July 5, 2011

Did you know?

That even if you don't write something on your blog for 8 days the whole thing doesn't suddenly fall into the internet trash?   

I have no idea where the last week went, or even what day it is really, except that it is one of many MANY manymanymany days in an Alabama summer when I would rather be somewhere cooler.  Like lounging on the sun next to a pool of lava drinking Tabasco Sauce straight from the bottle.   

Its HOT, y'all.  I probably would have written more if I wasn't spending half my day on the torch and the other half trying to fold myself into the freezer.  Which by the way is surprisingly empty since I stopped eating meat.  I'm not even sure why a vegetarian needs a freezer if not to fold herself into it when her body temperature reaches eleventy thousand degrees.

I've been in a little bit of a production mode...which is what happens when your brain melts because it is ELEVENTY THOUSAND DEGREES and your creativity can only breathe if you refuse to.  Since I'm kind of partial to having air in my lungs, I've been focused on making ribbed round sets because all they really require is a sense of color style, time, and attention to detail. 

You'll find these being listed in my ETSY SHOP throughout today~
and partly because I feel like I am cheating
and partly because I like you so much
they are only $15.

You know what else?
Buy 8 sets and
(my choice on the freebie)
(it'll be pretty)

(unless you don't like ribbed rounds)
(because if you don't you might not think they are pretty)
(which means you wouldn't be interested in the freebie anyway)
(so I should probably just stop with the typing now)



  1. Aw Juls, I've got no money! How come you're doing this when I'm skintified?! x

  2. I'm with Rebecca! I want a bunch, especially the gorgeous black raku and the cream raku!!! Meanie!!

    Missed you MUCH!!!!!!!! :)

  3. Drool worthy... all.of.them! Juls, even though it's eleventy billion eight thousand forty two degrees, your designs are even HOTTER! :o) How's things? Missed ya!


  4. Hey stranger, i was just about to shoot you an "E"
    thought it was kinda strange not to see you for such a long time OMG like i know you don't have another life away from blogging lol :P Glad to see ya and try to stay cool eh!
    ttfn Lana :)

  5. Dang girl-i-o! Those are just way too luscious! I've got to get my bum in gear and start creating again!

  6. Nice lookin' bunch o' beads ya got there, Juls. My small ribbed round bead roller should get here in the next couple of days.
    Hope mine look as good as yours.

  7. silly girl, the freezer is for the vodka & frozen bucket drinks. as for the heat? friday it was 117 on my front porch & today 120 :(

  8. Yep bet you forgot the frozen drink part in the freezer didn't ya! Oh girlfriend I happened to be gifted some gorgeous ribbed goodies and let me tell you,,,,,I am addicted!!!! Your beads are like sweet cream butter (not melted though) I cant stop playing with em!

  9. Stay cool, missy! I hate the thought of you melting in the shiny shack with puddles of glass around you. Find some way to enjoy the day.
