March 26, 2011

I'll mail you a cupcake later. Probably.

Every year on April 22nd I have the privilege of sharing my birthday with Earth Day. If you'd like to join the world in switching off your lights for an hour tonight beginning at 8:30, it would be like a humongoid international celebration honoring my 40th the protection and preservation of our planet.

Join us, won't you?


  1. Hey Birthday Girl, i guess that means i have 20 minutes b4 i have to shut down the the one thing we have lived millions of years without and now we can't seem to live without for much more than a minute or 2 without freakin out!!!! well i think 1 hour is not to much to ask to give back to a planet that gives so much back to us so i think i'll pull up a candle or 2and sit around with my Jack Jack and have a little heart to heart hope your special day is a special as you are Juls ttfn L:)

  2. Oh! Apparently I've been celebrating for the past three hours and didn't know it! Hopefully the extra two will make up for the fact that the computer's been on constantly.

  3. Wow, we share the same birthday!! I was 6 when "the powers that be" selected MY birthday as Earth Day, and I get a kick out of it every year. Happy early birthday -- and I can tell you from 5 years in that the 40s are very cool, much better than the 30s... :-)
