November 2, 2010

There's nothing beady about this post unless you count the picture at the end.

My aunt and cousin are in town for a quick visit from NC, which is super fly because they are super fly and I don't get to see them nearly as often as I'd like.  In honor of the visit my mama cooked a big homestyle Southern dinner.  I'm talking ham, pot roast, potato salad, pecan topped sweet potato casserole, pineapple and cheese (sounded gross to me too but O.M.G. I'll eat your share, and I did), yeast rolls, white garden peas, dressing, and I'm gaining another 5lbs just typing this list.  It was so good it made me wanna  Huh.

We all met up at my grandmother's house, and I ate so much dinner I couldn't even be force fed a single bite of Nana's banana pudding which is the best comfort food ever in the history of the world if you're name is Julianna and you live inside my body.  Naturally I had to bring a giant bowl home with me because if you've ever been switched by your Nana you know you'd better do what she says.

Speaking of switches.  If you are ever told (for the first and last time) to "go pick your switch" and you think a super thin long one won't hurt then you are a 9 year old crackhead just like I was.  Yank up the whole tree and hand it over.  Trust. There will be far less blood that way.

So last night I got home at the witching hour of 7:30, so full that I could hardly keep my eyes open.  I snagged the furkids and a movie thinking I probably wouldn't last the whole way through. 


At 1am I was still laying there wide awake pretending to be a grown up who wasn't scared out of her ever lovin' mind.  Kind of a short trip, but still.  The crazy part is that I turned the movie off after the events following the first hypnotism. 

The craziest part is that I am stupid tired after only getting 4 hours of sleep so I am now going to crawl back in bed and finish the movie and then (pretend to) take a nap.  Right after I hit up some banana pudding.

Something pretty!


  1. OK Now I am totally freaked out to the highest degree OMG!

    Send some banana pudding so I can curl up with the bowl and think happy thoughts!

    Love the pretty!

    Hugs(seriously I am scared and need a hug!)

  2. Ok, you guys are braving than me because I didn't even hit the play button! Me no like scary movies!!!! Your dinner sounded awesome and I am drooling big time! I will take some of that banana pudding too! The focal is gorgeous! Have a great day!

  3. i'm not even going to watch that trailer..good thing you had the banana,grandmom comfort puddin' handy..
    nothin' better in the whole wide world than southern cookin'

  4. I just found your blog a few days ago and I have to say, I LOVE IT. Thanks for sharing all the stuff you share, beady or not!

  5. My husband watched the show and he said that he covered his eyes through most of it, scared the pants off him. Glad you had a great home cooked meal with your family it sounds delicious.

  6. Nuttin like home cookin! Home cookin is the best and my 2 Sons never liked Fortunatly my daughter and husband do like it. I bet you chowed down! The movie looks good and it makes me want to go and see it heh. Beautiful bead Juls ox

  7. Ohh my, that owl, IS disturbing. Read about that movie and I guess I have to see it, your bead is great!

  8. Dinner sounds like it was awesome.
    Can't beat a dinner with family.

    I had Honey put the movie on the Netflix list, it's right up my alley☺

  9. Not to be all up in your banana pudding... but if you're napping as I'm typing this... um, you may wake up to a clean tongue licked bowl... just sayin'


  10. you are THE funniest! girl I ever - never met- in person ! love you!

  11. Whoa! Way to wake me up this morning after a short night's sleep. Could you mail me a portion of the banana pudding, I am ready to go hide under the covers!! I never really liked scary movies, my daughters tortured me by making me watch Kill Bill and I just didn't get the humor in that. Your clip mesmerized me and I watched it but now I am sorry. I can read scary books but watching scary is another story. Wonder what will show up in my dreams tonite. I hope it is another beautiful bead by you instead of the (whisper) white owl....
