May 10, 2014

Late to the Party

I've been fitting in beadmaking sessions and working on bead projects when I can, which is to say barely to not at all.  My Bead soup piece isn't finished...and if it weren't for a very good reason I'd have the energy to feel horrible.

I have a terminal extended family member (Lita's dad) who reached end stage this week after falling and breaking his hip 2 weeks ago, and well, I could probably stop talking right now and y'all would all completely understand.  Because you're you, and you're here.

And if I were to tell you to believe in miracles you would probably collectively sigh and say "duh.", so instead I'll share that I just witnessed one.  All up in my teary eyed snotty nosed face.  Poppop had the death rattle breathing for almost 6 hours before becoming coherent and asking to call his sisters and out of state children to say goodbye one last time.

It was the most beautiful and awful and amazing and heartbreaking thing ever.

As he struggled to talk and breathe at the same time, he somehow became stronger.  More present.  More alive.

He's still with us and doing impossibly well.  Today was a very good day.

A few more days like this and I'll finish my Bead Soup project.  Instead of feeling badly, I'll celebrate how much more meaningful it already it is to me...this whole experience of life.

My soup partner rocked it, y'all...and rocked it good. I know as soon as you check THIS out you'll agree she is amazing.

Much love to each of you.    When I count my blessings each day, you are one of them.



  1. Life has a way of interfering with our plans. I understand from experience. I wish you and your family member well.

  2. I've heard that death rattle two days before my mom passed away. It was both horrible and a blessing since she endured a lot of pain with her cancer. She died at home like she wanted,surrounded by her family. Wishing you and your loved ones well. And I'm glad you are celebrating the positive side.

  3. Sending love and light your way!

  4. Oh dear girl, you know that I know exactly where you are at!! Get some sleep!! Hug on Poppop and be at peace with each day!! The beads aren't going to up and walk away!! you are in my prayers and thoughts!! Peace and love and grace to all!!
    XOX, E

  5. Sister love, I'm all blubbery, teary and goosebumpy over here reading this. I'm sending love, prayers and light to you, Lita and her papa. What a blessing that you are all with him through the scary, difficult and miraculous times! Love you! xoxo

  6. Oh honey! I am so very sorry to hear of this. But amazing what spirit that Poppop has! Spend every moment you can and do what you need to do. My mother-in-law was just sent over to a regional hospital early this morning and put on a ventilator. Hard to come off that when you are 89. Not sure what the next few days will bring, but one thing is for sure, that life is very precious and no matter how long yours is it is never enough. You are in my prayers sweet girl. Find those moments to cherish and enjoy the day. Erin

  7. Oh goodness Juls. I am so glad that he is rallying enough to say his goodbyes. Be sure to cherish the time you have left with him and don't stress the beads.

  8. Blessings to you Juls. Be well ~~T

  9. Your poppop sounds like a real feisty guy. and any extra time you have with him is such a blessing! Take care of yourself and your family. There will always be beads...............

  10. Sending you and your family prayers as it sounds like y'all are going through a lot right now. {{HUGS}} - big ones!

  11. Juls, since you wrote those words 4 days ago I am sure of one thing: your situation has changed. Whatever form that change has taken, I know you are right in there being you, but also being what others need you to be. And I pray someone is doing the same for you. Many hugs!

  12. This is a rough time and an amazing time for you and your family. It's a gift that you are able to be present for it. Bead soup will wait. Take care.

  13. Oh, gosh... that certainly does sound beautiful and awful and amazing and heartbreaking all at once. Definitely sending hugs and prayers in the direction of you and your family--thank you for taking the time to post this, and thank you for yet again reminding me just how awe-inspiring life really is.

  14. hugs of course we understand. Family comes first.

  15. Sending you and your family lots of positive energy, hugs and strength

  16. Sending love and hugs to you and your family.

  17. Your story brought tears to my eyes. I remember my last day with my father. He was in the hospital for diabetes which led to kidney failure. He would have turned 74 this month. We talked and watched Young and the Restless together. That night he went into a coma. My "stepmother" said I was lying about how coherent my father was that day because she didn't get any response when she visited him that afternoon. But I will always remember talking and joking with him that afternoon because he was awake for me. So treasure the miracle of time to spend with your poppop.

  18. Much love to you and your family. The beads can wait a little longer.

  19. Hoping everything is better for you and your family. Positive energy heading your way

  20. Nothing is more important than family. I so hope things are still going well for all of you.
